For about 3000 years, Istanbul was a colony founded by the Thracian tribes ... It was called Legos before it was conquered by the Greeks in the 7th century BC.
In 196 BC it fell to the Romans and was called Byzantium. Until AD 330 Constantinople was named because it was the capital of the Roman Empire.
During this period, the city grew into one of the largest cities in the West, with a population of almost half a million.
Constantinople, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, fell in 1453 and became the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
The city experienced a population decline in the Middle Ages, and with the onset of power of the Ottoman Empire, its population reached 700,000 in the 16th century, becoming the most populous city in the world.
In 1923, the Turkish Republic was established and the capital moved to Ankara (formerly Angora), and from 1930 Istanbul was considered the official name of the city in Turkish in most Western languages.